– Using NCSC method (Non-Chemical Scale Control, Japanese Patent No. 6703660).

– Inventor/manufacturer: T.K.K. Evolution Co.,Ltd

– Da Nang agent: Osumi Vietnam Co., Ltd

* Purpose: remove scale (CaCO3, SiO2) clinging to pipes, hindering heat exchange without using chemicals. Thereby helping the system reduce power consumption, reduce the amount of chemicals used to clean scale.

Scale on cooling tower water pipes

* 1 set of Biowater (BW) includes 2 parts, filter plate and filter tube as shown below.

* Installation location

1 set of BW can be used for 1 20RT cooling tower. Product life more than 20 years, free maintenance.
The product does not use electricity, just installed in the cooling tower and on the water pipe as shown below

2. Renewable Energy

Supporting enterprises that need to install rooftop solar panels through the Joint Credit Mechanism (JCM) supported by the Government of Japan. Enterprises can receive support up to 30% of the initial investment cost (not including installation costs).

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